Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cancel, Cancel, Delete, Delete.

It’s not about you, not exactly. It’s about your energy. It’s about your vibration. Is the inertia of your energy moving in the direction you want, or is it moving in a direction you do not want?

Because somehow, if it’s not going how you like, you’ve got to stop it. And according to the laws of inertia, an object will continue moving at its current velocity until some force causes its speed or direction to change.

Therefore, the negative thoughts running through my mind have a certain momentum and will continue to dominate my psyche unless I apply a force strong enough to change that.

What I practiced this morning is how I now change my “vibe”. I heard a friend say this in the midst of a conversation, maybe you’ve heard it as well.

“Cancel, Cancel, Delete, Delete”.

While this seems similar to my Hocus, Pocus, Change Your Focus practice I’ve mentioned previously, “Cancel, Cancel, Delete, Delete” has helped me more as of late. The few times I’ve tried this practice, it has worked efficiently. Perhaps because when I say it, I end up laughing that I’m actually saying it and immediately, I’ve forgotten the negative thoughts that were running through my mind.

Cancel, Cancel, Delete, Delete! Boom! Done! And I’m onto something new.
Give it a try today when you want to change the inertia of your energy.

Thanks for allowing me to be your wingman today.
In Appreciation,

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