Monday, August 29, 2011

The road not taken…

Two paths diverged in my walk this morning and I’ve come to realize it matters not which course I take, only that I take one.  In hindsight, both paths crossed again as I believe they often do.  Yes, another validation that the journey is far more important then the destination.

What is most imperative though is…
·         I make a decision,
·         I own that decision
·         I embrace my decision.

I have seen too many get “paralysis by analysis” at their point of decision and either don’t make one, or constantly question the choice they made.  Perhaps that is not one of your issues, but there are times my lack of decisiveness feels like a constant companion.

So today, I’m going to practice being decisive and I invite you to join me. 
Let’s begin with small decisions, taking the stairs or the elevator, eating a chocolate chip cookie or a brownie, taking the back roads or the highway. 

Remember, don’t worry if the elevator gets stuck, the brownie turns out to be dry or the highway was the “better” decision.  The object of this exercise is solely to make a choice and line up with it. 

It will help you to better appreciate it is far more important to your being happy that you make a decision not which decision you make.

Today I will practice being decisive.  I will not worry which option I select, only that I select one.  I will choose quickly by whichever feels best at that moment, and I will not second guess my decision.  I will make it, own it and embrace it.

Practice being decisive and you will be decisive.

Thank you for allowing me to be your wingman today.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Feeling the Power

Yesterday, for the first time ever, I felt the power of an earthquake.  This incredible power, just below the surface of the earth, had my house swaying like a reed in the wind and it got me thinking. 

Abraham constantly speaks of the power that creates worlds running through each of us.  Religions and Mythologies throughout history have said in some fashion or another, either that we were created in God’s image, we have God’s blood coursing through us or we are our own Gods.  Another philosophy, possibly even more commanding, is that of evolution, that over time we have created our own strength, our own power.

Either way, I feel it is time to explore this great energy that seems to be just below my surface and yours as well.  Realizing such strength is the first step to cultivating it.  

My question then is…what practices can I utilize to help me in this endeavor?

I thought of two. 

The first is easy, start doing any type of physical exercise.  Anything, even if it’s just taking a walk down the street, start moving your body.  By law of attraction, you will begin attracting more and more physical strength.

The second is a bit more difficult and it was delivered to me from Ashtar, through Rita on our TalknAngels radio show.  When I asked what exercise I can do to help myself, the answer I heard was to meditate on a more cellular level so as to further understand how we are all connected. 

And so I ask you to join me today, to do a bit of physical exercise, and more importantly, to join me in meditating to feel the power of the trees, of the earth, and of ourselves.

Try both for a few days and let me know how you feel.

Thank you for allowing me to be your wingman today.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A pretty good idea…

Sometimes you just see the light and feel right about what to do. 
The question is… do you act upon that feeling?

I keep talking about practicing different ways to help myself and others feel better and be able to "access our wiser selves" more easily on demand. 

Starting today, I’m vowing to increase my training, to “practice what I preach”. 

To help myself and hopefully assist you as well, I will attempt to blog more frequently about my exercise du jour, the training I will be working on that day. 
Hopefully you will find this beneficial in your daily regimen and together we can build some synchronicity, which will be valuable to all of us, on our individual and collective journeys. 

So for today, let’s begin easily with a thought process.  We know the saying
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

I’ve read that although this is the popular form of this quotation, a more correct translation from the original Chinese would be… "The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one's feet."  Rather than emphasizing the first step, Lau Tzu regarded action as something that arises naturally from stillness.  

Therefore, in stillness, I ask that you consider joining me in what will surely be an education, and if my ideas resonate for you, or if you have a particular routine that you enjoy, please drop me a line, either by commenting here on the blog or email me at

Thank you for allowing me to be your wingman today.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

How can I be your Wingman today?

I have a new practice that I just started yesterday morning and I wanted to pass it on. 
It is helping me and hopefully it will help you as well.   

To practice this is simple. 
Just ask someone, "How can I be your Wingman today"? 
If it’s someone you have a relationship with, you can ask it out loud.
If it’s someone you just happen to meet, you can just think it. 

Either way works.  It’s the mind-set we’re striving for here.  The quickest way to be your own wingman is to be someone else’s wingman first.  Helping another is a surefire way for you to help yourself.

Try this exercise for the next 3 or 4 days and see if it resonates for you. My belief is that your next 3 or 4 days will be far better because of it.  

Again, you don't have to voice it out loud.
More important than actually asking the question is keeping the attitude in the forefront of your mind, the "how can I be your wingman today" attitude.

Now go earn your wings, and have a great day.

In Appreciation, Mike

Questions or comments, you can email Mike at Michael@beyourownwingman .com

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Just stop thinking about it!

This morning I realized I broke from my daily practice yesterday by not thinking of my High Five.  The reason why is simple, I ran into a bit of adversity the night before and couldn’t stop thinking about the negative implications.  Don’t tell me thoughts don’t create your perception of reality.  I am certain they do mine because when my mindset is off-putting and pessimistic it certainly seems I get more to be depressed about.

But today I decided to change all that.
I just stopped thinking about that which is troubling me.
And you can too.

Just stop thinking about it.

Just stop thinking about losing weight, and lose weight.
Just stop thinking about making money, and make money.
Just stop thinking about finding a partner, and be a partner.
Just stop thinking and just start being.

Stop defending who you are not… and just be who you are. 

If you truly want to change something about yourself, stop talking about it.
And just change it. Do something different.

Stop “trying” and start doing. 

If you want to lose weight, stop fighting yourself and start thinking like a thinner you. 

          The thinner you looks forward to exercising 5 or 6 days a week. 
          The thinner you enjoys making healthy food choices.

If you want to be wealthier, stop thinking about the reasons you’re not making money, and start thinking like a wealthier you.

          The wealthier you enjoys working hard and saving money.
          The wealthier you embraces education and looks to expand your
          knowledge base with an eye towards new opportunities.

If you want a romantic relationship, stop trying to find a partner and start being a better partner to yourself.

          The better partner you trusts and respects yourself and others.
          The better partner you communicates lovingly and honestly
          with yourself and with others.

Just stop thinking about it!  We all make it so much harder then it needs to be.

In Appreciation, Mike