Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are you Insane?

Are you insane?

Because according to Einstein's definition I certainly am.

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results. 

How many of us, when dealing with our issues constantly replay the same role, do the same dance, play the same song. 

No matter how you've grown, how evolved you've become or how much you have learned, when your "issue" confronts you, you can be counted on to do what you’ve always done.  As a matter of fact, if you look at your life, it may actually be the one thing you do most consistently.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, it gets very tiring.   

I can tell you I’ve come face to face with my issues this week and I again reverted to someone I no longer am, someone far from who I’ve become, and someone I don’t even like anymore.  And when I’m no longer being who I have become, the stress of that becomes exhausting. 

The fact that I hoped things would work out better this time places me in the category of the truly insane.

So… how can I change my actions and stop playing my same old song? 
How can I practice being all that I’ve become, when old issues surface?

The fact that I recognize my issue certainly is a great start.  Now I must capitalize on that and do something, anything, differently then is my normal.  Some might call this “thinking outside the box”.  I call it seeing it from my wingman’s perspective. 
Either way, if I can just break my habit and attempt a unique solution, I will consider this exercise to be successful.  The more prepared I can be at being who I know I am, the happier I will be.

Please feel free to join me in doing this assignment.  Again, don’t worry if your out of the ordinary idea “works” or doesn’t, just changing your routine will have you feeling wiser and more powerful.

Thank you for allowing me to be your Wingman today. 


1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes.... insanity is part of our human condition, isn't it? You're in good company, Mike - me be a bit insane too! Hugs!
