Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Poster Boy needs more practice…

After writing and living with last week’s blog, two points became very clear to me.

1)  I need to practice more consistently.  Consistency has never been one of my strengths but I’ve come to realize how important it is.  I even gave myself an Angel card reading (I mean really) and the message was confirmed, practice more, adopt a daily practice.  My staff meetings are great but more is needed.  I remember when beginning to conduct my staff meetings, the consistency of holding one each morning and how I seemed to be riding the wind.  And then, for some reason I stopped having them.  Why?  I don’t know. Is that just my history or do others also do the same? 

Anyway, my plan is for more consistent practice.  At least one hour a day, six days a week.  Read, write, listen or even better, just think about the Universe, the Law of Attraction, and the energies we know surround us.  I decided to think of my life as a rehearsal for what’s next, and live accordingly.  What would I like to work on, what would I like to improve?  What would you?  Think about it and start practicing.

2)      My stated lesson from last week,

“… perhaps by not trying to, but by allowing, by not being emotional about the outcome.”

Stop wanting and just allow… huh? What?  How? 
These words are so interesting to me because I remember years ago, having a great success and a friend asking how it came to be.  I remember answering, “It seemed like I just allowed it”.   I never used those words before, or after, until recently. 

And so, I decided to begin my new regiment with Dr. Wayne Dyer’s interpretation of the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.  He talks of desiring and being desireless, which seemed to be exactly what I was asking about. 

I began to listen, read, study and meditate on it as he says to do.  It became easier for me to comprehend by identifying desire as wanting and desireless as allowing.  This so called subtle difference is in sync with Abraham’s teachings as well.  The concept has not been easy for me to grasp.

Thankfully he gives an exercise to work on to help develop your understanding and ability.

When feeling a desire, note where your emotion is on the continuum
between wanting it and allowing it. 

I can not yet put it into words but after practicing this a bit, I can certainly define the difference between the two in my mind.  I see why others use the term “Letting Go” or as Dr. Dyer states, “let go, and let God.”

I know what wanting feels like, and I know I have felt allowing. 

After more of this exercise I hope to be able to better define it with words, but more importantly, to feel it in my being and be able to call upon that feeling at will. 

Thanks Dr. Wayne, thanks for writing this book and being my wingman this week.

In appreciation, Mike.

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