Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Staff meeting 1/21/11

Note... the idea of having this blog is to stay consistent with practicing the Law of Attraction and I have found having a staff meeting and then reporting "the minutes" to be an excellent way to practice.  I learned the idea of a staff meeting from Abraham, through Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham-Hicks.com) who, to quote Wayne Dyer, is "one of the great Masters of our universe".

Staff meeting 1/21/11

I haven't had a staff meeting in a couple of days and I miss them.  Sometimes, I find myself delegating/asking for the same things and the meetings seem to get repetitive.  However, I realize the need for consistency, and I know the more consistently I “practice” the better I will get. 

Is it really any different than practicing the violin, or golf or basketball or chess? 
The more you practice the better you get.

Special thanks to both Rita and Colleen for helping me get my blog together.  Hopefully writing this blog will be an excellent tool to further my knowledge of this universe.
I appreciate you both being my wingmen on this.

Back to my meeting…
When I am unsure where to begin with my staff meeting, I find it best to go back to the basics.

Please bring me ideas that are in harmony with my core values.
Please bring me ideas for financial independence, ideas I will embrace and look forward to doing. 

Please send me more ideas to help with my studies of this universe and the law of attraction. 
We could start with helping me to better understand about you guys, my universal wingmen.
Please help me understand, in fun, enjoyable ways what this is all about, how this universe does work.  From here (on earth in our physical form) I'm sure we only see things in one very small way. 
Please, help me see it with my mind, help me feel it with my gut.

Please help me understand my power in all of this as well.

Thank you so much for your assistance in learning to trust my gut and recognize my feelings.  I am now very familiar with being in “the Zone”, feeling excellent, having clarity.  Abraham calls it “being in the vortex”.
However, I now also realize when I am not in that zone, or vortex, and lately, I've noticed I'm close but can't consistently stay in there. 
Thank you for the knowledge that I can get back there whenever I choose.

Yours in appreciation, Mike

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