Wednesday, January 19, 2011


What Would My Wingman Say? For as long as I can remember, friends and family have referred to me as “the best wingman.”  One morning as I was walking in the woods with my dog Monte (an excellent wingman), I thought, "What would my wingman say?"   Suddenly it occurred to me that being outside of myself and my situation would provide a much better perspective than being so deep into it that I lose all ability to creatively think and solve problems.  So I started asking myself, “What would my wingman say?” 
The answer is simple:  Be your own wingman!  This is fantastic!

What is a wingman?   According to the U.S. Air Force, A wingman  (or wingmate ) is a pilot who supports another in a potentially dangerous flying environment. Wingman was originally a term referring to the
plane flying beside and slightly behind the lead plane in an aircraft formation.
The traditional military definition of a “Wingman” refers to the pattern in which fighter jets fly. There is always a lead aircraft and another which flies off the right wing of and behind the lead. This second pilot is called the “Wingman” because he or she primarily protects the lead by “watching his back.”
In today’s lexicon, the word wingman is used to describe a friend who is helping his or her friend in whatever situation may arise.  Recently, when going out for the evening with her friend, my daughter proclaimed proudly, “I’m the wingman tonight”.
A great wingman does three things:

1) Sees clearly because the wingman is looking at everything from a different angle.  It's like looking at things from up high in your "treehouse", looking down at your life; the big picture gives a more complete perspective.  You begin to see the Law of Attraction in action. (more on this later)
2) Always sees the positive aspects in all situations because as the wingman, you want your lead, your pilot, to be successful so you are constantly looking for ways to help your lead be successful.  Seeing positive aspects becomes instinctive to a great wingman, and all it takes is a little practice.  By the way, practice is a great word to use here because anything in life worth achieving requires continued dedication and continual practice.  I understand what it means to be practicing Law of Attraction.

3). Always looks for solutions upon seeing a problem.  The Law of Attraction says that whenever a problem is presented, its solution is also presented.  There is always a solution to a problem, even if the solution means walking away or making peace with the situation.  You control your reactions.  Your wingman helps you find good, viable solutions.  This too becomes instinctive with a little practice.

A wingman’s job is to protect and serve the lead pilot.  As the lead pilot of your life, why not think to yourself, “if I was in the wingman’s position, what would I say or do?”

I have learned that it is much easier to see what is really going on when you are the wingman.  If you sit me at a poker table, I will be able to tell you who has the best hand 99 out of 100 hands.  That is, until I am involved in the hand.
The purpose of this blog and website are to help me, and hopefully you, better become our own wingmen.

To borrow a term from Vaishali (who I just had the pleasure of interviewing with Rita Strough on TalknAngels radio show), the same way you get to Carnegie Hall… Practice!
And so I do.  My current practice is to hold daily “staff meetings” with my universal wingmen, and delegate things for them to do.  I began asking them to bring me ideas that I would like, to help me be aware of my power, and to guide me to thoughts that are in harmony with my core values.  My daily staff meetings have since become so much more.  I will report on them as part of this blog but I urge you to hold your own staff meeting for 3 or 4 days straight.  Please try it and see how it feels.  You’ll be amazed, and like me, you won’t want to stop.
Being your own wingman teaches you to rely on and trust your own instincts, and that takes practice.  This blog is to help me stay focused by structuring time to keep practicing the Law of Attraction. 
I invite you to follow along with me, try it for yourself and let me know what you think.  Let’s make this a place where together we can use the Law of Attraction principles to transform our lives and give ourselves a chance to get really good at bringing to life anything we desire.
Yours in appreciation,

1 comment:

  1. Great to read your first blog entry Michael! Look forward to seeing others. I shared your blog on my facebook page to start "sharing the goodies". Congrats!
