Monday, April 2, 2012

When I enjoy playing, I play better.

When I enjoy playing, I play better.
When I enjoy working, I work better.
When I enjoy exercising, I exercise better.
When I enjoy learning, I learn better.

Do you find this to be true?
When you enjoy what you’re doing, do you find you do it better?
I know I do.

When I enjoy selling, I sell better.
When I enjoy teaching, I teach better.
When I enjoy writing, I write better.

The question I ask myself then, is how?  How does one “enjoy” the doing, when there are goals to be achieved, sales quotas to be met and deadlines to be adhered to.

What works for me are my practices that help keep me in a positive frame of mind.
One such practice is simply named “Finding the Positive” and I actually practice finding something good about the circumstances, something I can be thankful for.
Once I uncover one positive, more seem to follow.
Perhaps these practices will work for you as well.

Btw… When I enjoy practicing, I practice better.

How about those times it seems more difficult to “enjoy” …
For instance, the salesman who is worried and focused about meeting his quota is not “enjoying” selling. How does he change his focus so he now “enjoys” the sales process?

By finding the positive.
By shifting his focus to those parts of the job he really enjoys.
Perhaps it’s his belief in his product or service?
Perhaps it’s the people he works with or the freedom his job affords him?
Perhaps it’s the challenge of helping others?
Or perhaps it’s his paycheck?

Whatever it is, when he enjoys his work, he works better.
How about you?

What do you do?
When you enjoy _________ing, you’ll _________ better.

Thanks for allowing me to be your wingman today.
In Appreciation,

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