Monday, April 9, 2012

"No S#*t Sherlock"...

I would like to thank those of you who replied to my last blog/email entitled,
"When I enjoy playing, I play better".

The above comment, “No S#*t Sherlock” was from a loved one and family member, and demonstrates how simple this really is.
Here is my answer.

My Dear Mr. Watson,

You are so correct.
Amazing, isn't it? How simple life really is?
And how, intellectually speaking, we all know it so well.

That's what makes it so puzzling.
How we all know it, yet, very few of us actually live it.
How we can all speak it, but we don't act it.
How, instead of being thankful for what we have, we focus on what we don't.
How simple it really is, and how difficult we make it.

I am thrilled by your "No S#*t Sherlock" comment
and the fact that you grasp this so easily.
Again, most people recognize and agree with the logic of it.

The difficulty seems to be the consistency, which I know I have struggled with. That is why I have developed so many different practices and make sure to do at least one each day.
For while I enjoy discussing it academically, I have found I'm at my best when I actually practice living it.


I now consciously practice looking for positives in whatever situation I'm in.
I now consciously practice thinking better feeling thoughts.
I now consciously practice seeing myself as I want to be seen.
I now consciously practice saying thank you for what I have and for the lessons I have learned.

I hope these practices help you as much as they've helped me.
Thanks for letting me be your wingman today.

In Appreciation,

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